Tuesday, July 18

I'm moving up in the world!

My mom called me a few minutes ago. It's official. I'm a Great-Uncle at the ripe old age of 25. My oldest niece Kristen just had her first child. It's a girl - Naomi Lyn - 8lbs 7oz - 21" long. She went in at 8:30am and delivered at 10:30am, so it went quite smoothly. I'll try and get pictures as they become available.


Radical One said...

congrats on the "great-uncle" status! new borns are such a joy and to know they have their whole lives in front of them. sigh!

blessings to ya, luke!

jw said...

I'm astounded. Congrats on that. How old's your niece? Blessings to all!

Luke said...

My niece is 19 years old. She'll be 20 later this year. I'm only 5 1/2 years older than she is. That's what happens when you're a tag-a-long. I'm 17 years younger than my oldest sister who's now a grandma!

Heidi said...

Sorry I laughed yesterday. :)

Maryann said...

Congrats! I was excited to finally become an aunt at 28--I can't wrap my head around being a great-aunt. WOW!

Mark Nenadov said...

Wow! Congratulations, Luke!

I thought I was fairly advanced in my uncle status (with a teenager nephew), however you have me completely beat.