Tuesday, February 14

I got nothing

There was once, not so long ago, that I thought I had something to say. I thought I had something to post. Something of value.

Turns out, I got nothing.


taryn said...

It was probably about Founder's Week but then you checked my blog and then Kristi's and saw that it is already taken care of, and then subconciously tricked yourself into thinking that you just FORGOT what you were going to post about.

Or maybe, like you said, you just got nothing. That, my friend, is called "Blogger's Block." It happens to the best of us (just not me.)

megs said...

it's about time ;)

Luke said...

Nah, I got stuff I could blog about...but it's nothing.

Paul said...

I love ya, Luke.
Turn that frown upsidedown.. and smile

Julie said...

Welcome to my world, Luke

Tifani said...

Nothing to say on Valentines day???? Luke I'm ashamed!

jw said...

I came here looking for encouragement and I think I found it! Good to know, good to know, Later bro.