This is audio of a young man calling into a radio station with a great reminder to all of us. What a pure hearted young man.
Here's the radio station's website that carried it.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
If Life's a journey, then there must be a destination. Where are you headed?
Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
Hi luke,
My aunt sent me the link to the web site last month and I guess that there were so many links to the site that it's bandwith was exceeded and the site was shut down.
Major bummer.
Thanks for sharing, I was looking for this sound bite.
know what?
I miss you too.
hey, i know this isn't to do with the audio thing, but have you looked into Mike Huckabee for presidential canidate. If not, you should...
I have looked into Huckabee, and while I am not going to say I won't vote for him if he gets the nomination, I'd MUCH rather see Ron Paul get the nomination.
While I think Huckabee's a great guy and he seems to be a Christian, I think it'll be "business as usual" in Washington if he gets elected. Plus I don't think he stands the slightest chance against a Democratic challenger, whereas I think Ron Paul could get enough of the democratic vote to pose a significant challenge.
I'm a big supporter of limited gov't, balanced budgets, and non-intervention foreign policy. I don't see a lot of change on those fronts if Huckabee gets elected.
One other thing that really bothered me about Huckabee was that, during an interview I read, he told the interviewer that he would keep the nuclear option against Iran on the table even if Congress refused to declare war against Iran. I don't know if you see the implications of that, but a president that would use a nuclear weapon against another country that we're not at war with...that just scares me and I think it shows a disrespect or lack of understand of the Constitution. Some people say, well, the president HAS to say that he would use it to keep it a scare tactic, but I would say the scare tactic should be the possibility that Congress will declare war and THEN we may use the nuclear weapon. I don't know if was clear with all of that, but feel free to discuss it further if you'd like. There's a lot I didn't say here.
Back to the farm...that was great radio clip. Man, it just reminds me of Jesus having the little children come to Him and saying that this is what we are supposed to be like. Thanks for the reminder Luke...and Logan.
Yeah, I definitely got a tear. What a pure heart.
Yea, My Dad sent that to me. Good Video.
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