Jay Leno interviewing Ron Paul.
Part 1
Part 2
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
5 hours ago
If Life's a journey, then there must be a destination. Where are you headed?
Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
You know, Luke, I just want to thank you for tuning me in to Ron Paul. I'm really starting to like the guy. It's nice to have a candidate who actually _thinks_. He's one guy you could convince me is completely honest.
My only gripe is that he said "excape" instead of "escape" in this interview.
clbeyer: Thanks for that. I know how you feel. Ron Paul cured my apathy toward voting on the national level. Whether you agree with all his policies or not, at least you know exactly where he stands.
absolutely... I really appreciate the fact that you are opening eyes to Dr. Paul. I couldn't be more about his foreign policy, honesty, and thoughtfulness and integrity in all matters.
For all the Huckabee fans, it's important to not just evaluate his morals (not that he's up on Ron Paul in that anyway), but also his policy. He's running for president not pastor, and just because he's a Christian (as Paul is) doesn't mean he's anywhere close to your views on foreign policy, constitutionalism, federal government in general... you name it, and that's what a president is going to deal with and what will affect you.
Huckabee's a great guy I know, but no more so than Paul, and Paul's ready to make some changes for freedom that Huckabee just simply isn't even thinking about. Just search for Paul policies and read up and you'll soon find yourself resonating on things that he both will have the power to change and that will actually affect you and this nation for the better.
Huckabee does have a great ad though:)
Justin: Thanks for the encouraging comment. I agree with you whole-heartedly.
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