Last night I was reading in my daily devotional, (My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers) and November 19-21 really struck me. I was going to try and paraphrase it here, but I'm afraid I won't do it justice, so I'll type the 20th verbatim and fill in thoughts from the others.
The love of God means Calvary--Nothing less. The only basis for which God can forgive is the Cross of Christ.
Do you ever
forget the price? Do you ever let the thought that you "deserve" it creep into your mind? Never build your case for forgiveness on the idea that God is our Father and He will forgive us because He loves us. That contradicts the Word of God and makes the Cross unnecessary. God forgives sin only because of the death of Christ. Our part in realizing the tremendous meaning of the death of Christ is the conviction of sin. Conviction is given to us as a gift of shame and repentance; it is the mercy of God. Jesus hates the sin in people, and Calvary is the measure of His hatred.
I don't think you can add much to that, just sit back and relish what was said. I guess you could say that passage supplies reason to have a spiritual fear of the Lord. God's perfection is so far beyond us.
It's so humbling to hear how He indeed paid the ultimate atoning sacrifice for our filth before we ever asked, and it's worth more than we can begin to comprehend or ever dare to say deserve. Serve Him out of fear, serve Him out of love and respect. The fact that we even have the oppurtunity to serve Him is more than we should have ever been given. I thank God for the cross.
Well put Justin, well put. true...
Even though a conscience sometimes makes life rough. Think about how hard it would be to serve God without one. You would always be confused if something is right or wrong. Thank God for even the things that sometime bug us.
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