Friday, December 8


Pr 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


megs said...

WOW luke!! you're right, very sobering!! it just so happens that at the EXACT same time i was watching this i was also listening to phillips, craig, and dean's so "i want to be like you" the lyrics that really hit me where these, "i want to be just like you, b/c he wants to be like me. be a holy example for his innocent eyes to see". makes me think that we are an example not only for children, but the world. this was a good reminder to always show Jesus to those we come in contact with. at indy outreach a man used this line... "you may be the only Bible people read in their whole life. put on your best Bible today." i thought that was a good way to put it.


ps- thanks for the reminder!!

Maryann said...

Wow, indeed.

Anonymous said...

I find this related in some way.

Anonymous said...
