Monday, January 15


Today is one of those days where, when I blink, it takes effort to re-open my eyes.

Yeah...definitely didn't get enough sleep this weekend.

Getting a good nights rest seems to go hand in hand with my spiritual alertness. Being tired seems to make it more difficult to let the joy of Jesus shine through - especially through my countenance.

I need to sleep more.


Anonymous said...

One word, four digits:
Psalm 127:2


Anonymous said...

Let me introduce you to my friend Mr. Coffee.

Luke said...

See...the problem with Coffee is that it's bad for you and slightly addictive. I've found that keeping my cup full of water and drinking about a glass an hour has much the same effect. Plus I don't run the risk of "crashing" when I quit drinking it.

Anonymous said...

I would be the same way but due to weather i was unable to be there.
Missed you all

Stephanie said...

Isn't that the truth...?

Although I'm just feeling all around exhausted anyway. "Server burn-out", if you will. Gosh, it stinks having to wait tables again...

Prayers going up for you for an awakening of spirit, friend.

Happy Monday!