Interesting points made eh?
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Grow Deep: A Word to Young Men
20 hours ago
If Life's a journey, then there must be a destination. Where are you headed?
Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
Energy Vampire's ehhhh??? Call me the vampire hunter. You wanna suck my energy? We'll see about that. I hate your whole family all 300 of you leech blood suckers. And you call me a lazy parasite. Hypocrits.
Yea the Knoblock and and Linda Knapp family are Energy Vampires. Keep your distance.
If you feel tired after talking to one of them you will know what I mean. No wonder when you go to church with them you come home feeling drained. I speak the truth. They tried to run my name through the mud because of it.
Don't listen to this guy. He's a phony christian. He's family is about to through me in jail.
Luke is a phony Christian, is what I meant to say.
Here is a quote from an vampire:
"I have a confession to make, I feed off anger. I pursue anger, frustration, sadness, and all the bad emotions a human being can come up with. I am not sadistic, but the suffering of others makes me happy, especially if I had caused it. It makes me realize how lucky I am, and I grow stronger. I am a listener, a confidante; I can stay on the line for hours with a suicidal person and end up switching places with him. I can listen to the ravings of a friend, and make him feel bad about being happy afterwards. I know how to play with emotions, and it has become my hobby. Yes, once in a while you meet special people worth not playing with; these are my most treasured possessions. They open up to me, and I to them. I know I'm making myself vulnerable to hurt, but who cares. You can only wear a mask for so long, but at the end of the day one would long to breathe fresh air, and let people see who they really are. The risk comes with the territory, but positive things could happen from it too. I try to keep the number of these people minimal, as not to reveal my true vampiric self to too many people. I don't know why I do this."
I'm confused by these comments...
I'm apologize for the confusing and less-than-edifying comments. I want to foster open communication on my blog, so I chose to leave them up unless they use profane language.
If you have another opinion on this, feel free to share it.
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