How Mom Disciples a Newborn
20 hours ago
If Life's a journey, then there must be a destination. Where are you headed?
Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
I don't really think giving everyone guns to carry around in the inner-city is the best way to solve crime problems. Isn't doesn't seem quite logical.
Also, as Christians are we really supposed to be defending ourselves with guns? Wasn't Jesus a peacemaker and don't we believe God's protection and will is stronger than anything on this earth?
His point may be ok logically, but as a Christian I don't think I agree.
I agree that, as a Christian, I wouldn't carry a gun to defend myself. However, public policy is not a matter of what a Christian would do. It's a matter of what the government tells us we can and can't do.
It's not the right of our government, according to our constitution, to limit us carrying arms.
Also, no one's advocating "giving everyone guns to carry around..". It's a matter of us having the ability to choose.
Our nation was built around the Constitution, and yet so few people have any regard for this amazing document anymore. We live in fear of so many things, so we allow the government to tell us the best way to survive.
The original intent of the government of the USA was to remain as SMALL as possible while maintaining itself for the regulation of commerce and national defense. That used to be much closer to what the Republican Party stood for
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