Wednesday, October 22

When's the last time YOU went to the Theater?

Some of you have wanted to do something like this your whole lives.

Some of you will be mortally embarrassed for them.

I found it awesome.


taryn said...

That's hilarious. It makes me wonder how I would have reacted had I been there. Actually, I probably would have been one of the ones singing n the performance.

I'm joking.

Or maybe not.

Rebekah said...

I have always thought it would be so funny to do something like this. Matt and I always said it would be fun to be walking in the mall and suddenly break out in some amazing choreographed song like the musicals. But alas, we don't have the talent or the nerve. thanks for sharing.

Luke said...

Well, anyone who gets up the courage to pull something like this off...I'd be glad to be your videographer. :-)

ajp said...

my life is now complete

Luke said...

Plattner: I'm glad I could be a part of it! :-)