Monday, January 3

Excellent TED talk on "How Great Leaders Inspire Action"

I thought this was a great first post of 2011. I'd love to hear my readers thoughts on this guys speech.

For those of you on Facebook who can't see the video, here's the link to my blogpost.


Traever Guingrich said...

definitely had some elements of truth i would think. some important things to remember in the christian realm/worldview as well. he still didn't convince me to ever buy apple though.

Luke said...

Yeah, it was thinking through it from a Christian worldview where I felt like there was discussion to be had...thoughts to be thought, but I couldn't really articulate it.

Unknown said...

Did you catch the comment "What you do is the proof of what you believe"?

I'd like to hear more about his link to biology i.e. how his concentric circle diagram and human decision making come together.

Traever Guingrich said...

yeah me too. i was semi-skeptical when i heard that aspect.