Wednesday, February 28

Results of my "non-post"

Heck, my blog is cooler when I don't post anything and just let people comment! *grin* (results of previous post)

Aaron Plattner said...
You could always do what I do and look up some cheesy jokes and post for me. Like this one: What award did the dentist of the year recieve?
-It was just a little plaque.HA!
February 27, 2007 2:36 PM

Julie said...
LOL! Or "What did the zero say to the eight?"

"Nice Belt"
February 27, 2007 2:38 PM

Matthew said...
Ahh, the non-post. I make them too. Sometimes there is just not too much to say.
February 27, 2007 3:20 PM

megs said...
why don't the chinese like to use phone books?
there's so many Wings and Wongs they're afraid they might wing the wong number!!(probably my all time FAVORITE joke!)
February 27, 2007 3:22 PM

Luke said...
What's a 30 lb Canary say?

February 27, 2007 3:26 PM

Old Farmer said...
Q. Why did the chicken cross the street?
A. To get a chinese newspaper.

Luke: I don't get it!
Ed: I don't either, I get the Journal Star!
February 27, 2007 7:27 PM

Brooke said...
A Chinese woman was at an interview. In order to make sure she could speak clearly and understood the language, she was asked to use the colors green, pink and yellow in a sentence. She thought a while.
"The phone go green, green, green. I pink it up and say Yellow?"
...pretty much my all time favorite!
February 27, 2007 11:49 PM

Anonymous said...
two flies walking down the road one says to the other, hey fly your dude is open
February 28, 2007 8:40 AM

Tifani said...
that fly one is SICK!
February 28, 2007 9:33 AM

Luke said...
Tifani: If you're not going to add to the conversation, let's refrain from critizing others. :-)
February 28, 2007 1:39 PM

Luke said...
Two guys walk into a bar. The third guy ducks.
February 28, 2007 1:40 PM

dona said...
A magician was driving down the road...then he turned into a drive way.
February 28, 2007 2:52 PM

Sandarella said...
Why did the apple cross the road?To visit his Granny Smith.:-)Sandy (Your aunt-to-be)
February 28, 2007 3:34 PM

wendi jo said...
Two blondes lock thier keys in the car. One of the blondes tries to break into the car while the the other one watches. Finally the first blonde says "Darn, I can't get in the car!" The other blond replies, "keep trying, it looks like it is going to rain and the top is down".
February 28, 2007 4:20 PM

Luke said...
"Two blondes" huh? Would there names happen to be Wendi and Heidi?! *grin*
February 28, 2007 4:26 PM

Tuesday, February 27


I want to post, but I can't think of anything to post about. Bummer.

Monday, February 26

Some day

Some day I will blog again...but I'm guessing the majority of you don't want to hear all the gushy stuff that's on my heart right now. *grin*

Thursday, February 22

Digital Info (by a Kansas State Prof)

From: K-State Media Relations Dept. "...Michael Wesch, assistant professor of anthropology, created a video explaining Web 2.0, the "second wave" of Web-based services allowing people to network, share and collaborate online. The video, posted Jan. 31, was the most popular video on the Internet Feb. 5, according to; the No. 1 featured video on YouTube Feb. 9; and has been featured in more than 5,000 blogs. More than 1 million people have viewed the video on YouTube, an online video-sharing site. It is one of the top 100 favorites of all time on YouTube, recently surpassing Beyonce's latest pop music video, and is the No. 1 favorite of all time in YouTube's science and technology section.

Wesch is serving as the guest editor of a special issue of Visual Anthropology Review, "Beyond e-Text." He was writing about what can be done with new technology, such as blogs, wikis, video editing, Web feeds and social networking sites, and he found himself in a strange position. Wesch was trying to describe how digital media has gone beyond simply imitating paper, but he himself was using paper to describe this phenomenon. He decided that using video was much more relevant and so he created "Web 2.0...The Machine is Us/ing Us" to describe his path through the Internet. ..."
See full article here.

Friday, February 16

Paul's Seminary Experience & God's Sovereignty

Heidi and I were reading in Galatians 1 last night. In the middle part of the chapter Paul summarizes his preaching "credentials", so to speak. I found it really interesting that Paul spent three years in the wilderness learning by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

I've always found it interesting that a lot of the New Testament was written, not by the disciples, but by one who had never walked with Jesus in the flesh.

I bet it would be really interesting to know what Paul went through in those three years before he met with Peter and began his ministry.

Another part that struck me was how Paul viewed his past persecution of the church. In verses 13 and 14 he talks about how he "laid waste" to the church and pursecuted it "beyond measure", but then in verses 15 and 16 he says:15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, 16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen;...His internalization of God's sovereignty is astounding. He knew that God's timing was perfect, and that it had all been for a reason. He knew he had been chosen by God and converted at exactly the right moment in His life. That moment was "when it pleased God".

And then notice he didn't use his past sins to excuse himself from current service. He didn't say "oh Lord...I can't preach...after all I did? No one will listen to me". Instead he "immediately" began his training for ministry.

Are you going through a difficult season in your life? Are you questioning why, or how, or when? Trust in God's sovereignty! Keep your eyes focused on the cross and trust that God will work all things for good. Just keep loving the Lord! He is Faithful.

Wednesday, February 14

Ok, let's try again

Now it's tomorrow, so I'm gonna try the pictures again. (see previous post)

I got scolded by my sister to "Sit up Luke, you look shorter than Heidi!".

I was comfortable though.

Tuesday, February 13

More Pictures of us

...'cause I know people love pictures no matter who's in 'em.

Well, I was going to post more pictures of us, but apparently blogger is having issues with their picture loader AGAIN.

Have to wait till the morrow I guess.


Periods of snow. Heavy at times. Additional snow accumulation of 4 to 6 inches. Total accumulation of 8 to 12 inches. Highs in the mid 20s. Windy. Northeast winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts to around 40 mph producing blizzard conditions at times. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.

So guess what...I'm the only one at work today in my office. It's definitely kinda quiet around here.

It's really white outside. The snow's coming down, or coming across rather, pretty heavy. It's pretty much horizontal snow because of the wind.

I was going to take a picture with our office camera and post it, but one of my co-workers took it home with him, so no picture of our blizzard.

However, to satisfy your picture craving, here's a generic picture of a blizzard that looks nothing like where I'm at right now.

Monday, February 12

yeah, I'm engaged.

How great is our God?

More Pictures will be forthcoming. I can't imagine why, but I forgot to bring my camera last night, so I'm waiting on people to email me pictures. :) Thanks to her sister Wendi for this one.

It was a huge faith building experience. God is so amazing at meeting us where we are and bringing us to a better place.

Praise HIM!

This is Heidi and her sister Wendi.

This is me talking when I should've been looking at the camera and smiling like Heidi

Stay tuned for more picture goodness to come! :-)

Friday, February 9


And I stand in awe of you Jesus
Yes, I stand in awe of you.

The words I have are few.

I just stand

In awe

of you

Wednesday, February 7

"What is Intelligence, Anyway?"

What Is Intelligence, Anyway?
Isaac AsimovWhat is intelligence, anyway? When I was in the army, I received the kind of aptitude test that all soldiers took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160. No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that, and for two hours they made a big fuss over me. (It didn't mean anything. The next day I was still a buck private with KP - kitchen police - as my highest duty.)

All my life I've been registering scores like that, so that I have the complacent feeling that I'm highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so too. Actually, though, don't such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by people who make up the intelligence tests - people with intellectual bents similar to mine?

For instance, I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not possibly have scored more than 80, by my estimate. I always took it for granted that I was far more intelligent than he was. Yet, when anything went wrong with my car I hastened to him with it, watched him anxiously as he explored its vitals, and listened to his pronouncements as though they were divine oracles - and he always fixed my car.

Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man devised questions for an intelligence test. Or suppose a carpenter did, or a farmer, or, indeed, almost anyone but an academician. By every one of those tests, I'd prove myself a moron, and I'd be a moron, too. In a world where I could not use my academic training and my verbal talents but had to do something intricate or hard, working with my hands, I would do poorly. My intelligence, then, is not absolute but is a function of the society I live in and of the fact that a small subsection of that society has managed to foist itself on the rest as an arbiter of such matters.

Consider my auto-repair man, again. He had a habit of telling me jokes whenever he saw me. One time he raised his head from under the automobile hood to say: "Doc, a deaf-and-mute guy went into a hardware store to ask for some nails. He put two fingers together on the counter and made hammering motions with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He shook his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk brought him nails. He picked out the sizes he wanted, and left. Well, doc, the next guy who came in was a blind man. He wanted scissors. How do you suppose he asked for them?"

Indulgently, I lifted by right hand and made scissoring motions with my first two fingers. Whereupon my auto-repair man laughed raucously and said, "Why, you dumb jerk, He used his voice and asked for them." Then he said smugly, "I've been trying that on all my customers today." "Did you catch many?" I asked. "Quite a few," he said, "but I knew for sure I'd catch you." "Why is that?" I asked. "Because you're so !#&$@ educated, doc, I knew you couldn't be very smart."

And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.

Tuesday, February 6

Turn your eyes

"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" is a hymn written by Helen Lemmel. It was performed by Alan Jackson on his album "Precious Memories". Third Day has also performed a version of the song in a medley along with several other artists. I woke up this morning with the chorus of the Third Day version of the song running through my head. Those words are powerful. Simple, but powerful.
Turn your eyes upon jesus
Look full in his wonderful face
And the things of earth
Will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace
Here Michael W. Smith is performing the hymn. It's not the best quality sound, but you'll get the idea.

Monday, February 5

Anybody else?

This weekend I had someone remind me that I forgot to put their link on my sidebar. Omissions are only intentional if you never update.

If anyone else has a website that they would like me to link to, let me know, and I'll add you.



You ever have those times in your life where you feel God working, you know He is, yet you're uncertain of how it's all going to work out?

You want to trust.
You want Faith.

Yet you doubt



You know you can't question God, so you begin to question yourself.

Lord, help thou my unbelief.

You can feel yourself stretching. You know you'll never snap back to the shape you were before, but that's ok. It's a good thing.

Is this what sanctification feels like?

It's not always easy...but it's always good.

Thursday, February 1

Who's On First?

Abbot & Costello
Comedic Genius!