Tuesday, February 27


I want to post, but I can't think of anything to post about. Bummer.


ajp said...

You could always do what I do and look up some cheesy jokes and post them...works for me. Like this one: What award did the dentist of the year recieve?
-It was just a little plaque.

Julie said...

LOL! Or "What did the zero say to the eight?" "Nice Belt"

Matthew said...

Ahh, the non-post. I make them too. Sometimes there is just not too much to say.

Anonymous said...

why don't the chinese like to use phone books?

there's so many Wings and Wongs they're afraid they might wing the wong number!!

(probably my all time FAVORITE joke!)

Luke said...

What's a 30 lb Canary say?


Old Farmer said...

Q. Why did the chicken cross the street?
A. To get a chinese newspaper.

Luke: I don't get it!
Ed: I don't either, I get the Journal Star!

Brooke said...

A Chinese woman was at an interview. In order to make sure she could speak clearly and understood the language, she was asked to use the colors green, pink and yellow in a sentence. She thought a while.

"The phone go green, green, green. I pink it up and say Yellow?"

...pretty much my all time favorite!

Anonymous said...

two flies walking down the road one says to the other, hey fly your dude is open

Tifani said...

that fly one is SICK!

Luke said...

Tifani: If you're not going to add to the conversation, let's refrain from critizing others. :-)

Luke said...

Two guys walk into a bar. The third guy ducks.

Anon said...

A magician was driving down the road...then he turned into a drive way.

Anonymous said...

Why did the apple cross the road?

To visit his Granny Smith.

Sandy (Your aunt-to-be)

Wendi said...

Two blondes lock thier keys in the car. One of the blondes tries to break into the car while the the other one watches.

Finally the first blonde says "Darn, I can't get in the car!" The other blond replies, "keep trying, it looks like it is going to rain and the top is down".

Luke said...

"Two blondes" huh? Would there names happen to be Wendi and Heidi?! *grin*