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How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
If Life's a journey, then there must be a destination. Where are you headed?
Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
WOW!!! It just breaks my heart to see how those kids have to suffer so much!!! :(
Me too. Can you imagine what it must have been like to be parent of a child like that and have Jesus speak the word and have instantaneous healing!? Can you imagine the thankfulness you'd feel?
And yet, Christ has done all that and more for each of us when He saved our soul from sin and hell...and yet we often become calloused to that and don't give Him the praise and honor he so ultimately deserves.
I'm thankful He's a patient God.
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