Friday, July 28

But I'm Thankful

This weekend is shaping up to be pretty hectic. I still have laundry to do, an upstairs to clean (Thanks Tony for cleaning downstairs), and envelopes to stuff for our Youth Group Calendars before I go to Bible study tonight at 6:45. Also, sometime tonight people are going to start showing up for our Y.G. invite weekend. I don't know for sure how many people are going to end up crashing at my house, but I'm thinking it's going to be quite a few. I'm not sure where we're going to come up with pillows and blankets, but it'll work itself out I guess. :)

So, yeah, I've got a busy weekend. If you think of it, we'd appreciate prayers for our invite.
Our theme is "An Attitude of Gratitude". We're going to have around 75 guest, and we're doing work projects at the Goodfield Distribution Center, the Midwest Food Bank, and the Morton Handicapped Home. We're also doing some singing and a Bible Study Saturday evening. Just pray that God will be glorified whether things go smoothly or not.


Tifani said...

Will do! I'm thankful I get to come!!

Matthew said...

Greetings to everyone there from afar. Sounds like quite the weekend. In the future remember that Thursday is laundry night.

Jenny said...

bible study was at 6:45? hm...pretty sure I left morton at 7 and still made it before it started. gotta love washington time! :)

Luke said...

No, Actually Bible Study was supposed to start at 7:00. 6:45 is when I wanted to leave. However, we didn't actually end up starting the Bible Study until 7:20. Which means I could've got a little more done at home. Oh well, I did it afterwards. It's all good, and now I'm ready.

fritzmb said...

This comment is unrelated to your post, but I thought this might be a good place to mention the following:
If you would like one place to go to view all of the recent blogging activity from many of your church-related contacts, you might want to check out
I have used RSS feeds from many of the blogs you have listed to consolidate all of the recent posts into one place, so you can view it there, rather than surfing through each blog looking for new posts. You might also want to share this with others.

scott said...

thanks for the mountain dew and fruit smiles. pretty sure they kept me awake and alive on my way home last night.

Luke said...

I didn't even know you were at my house yesterday! :) It's been a crazy weekend.