Friday, March 30

Do you forget?

I do.

Do you sometimes forget how big our God is? Do you sometimes forget how powerful our God is? Do you sometimes fail to think upon how good our God is? Do you sometimes forget that we serve the same God today that parted the Red Sea? Do you sometimes just read through those stories with a casualness bred of familiarity?

Our God is totally, completely, incomprehensibly, and irrationally sovereign. He is so completely in control that it escapes our finite understanding.

And yet...and yet we have the audacity to so often look at Him and ask, "Are you sure God? Are you sure that this struggle/trial/test/hard time I'm experiencing is really best for me? Wouldn't it be better if my life was just...I don't know...better?"

God forgive us for our arrogance.

And ya know what? He will. He will forgive us.

God is good.

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