Monday, June 5

Prodigal Son

Today’s parable is The Prodigal Son. It has some weird formatting that’s proving difficult and time consuming to reproduce on my blog, so I’m just going to give you the link.

You can check them out at your leisure.
I had a great trip out to K.C. this past weekend. It always good to see my friends out there. For those of you who don’t know, I went to school at Kansas State and spent many weekends in Kansas City. I also had two summer internships there, so it definitely became a second home for me.

I’ll leave you with a quote:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. – Herm Albright


Anon said...

that quote is funny

it was good to ... see you and to have that very short chat after church :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming...It was great seeing you.

no_average_girl said...

LOL, love the quote! And if being positive is going to annoy someone, anything was going to annoy them! :-)