Monday, June 12

My long weekend in Pictures

Tony and I went to St. Louis on Friday morning to meet Kenton, Tommie, Alan, and Joe for a long weekend. We stayed at the downtown Sheraton and had a blast. We toured Anheuser Busch, walked around down on Laclede's Landing, drove right by the Arch, went to Union Station, and went to the Science Center. We also ate way too much, slept in, and walked around downtown. Good times were had by all, and now tomorrow it's back to work...blah. :)

Here are a few of the pictures from the trip. Enjoy.

Joe Knochel

Alan Banwart

Luke Knapp

Tommie Hitz

Kenton Snyder

Tony Esslinger

Tony and Joe kickin' back on the sun porch.

View off the sun porch at our hotel
posted by Luke

Taken seconds before Alan ran me over...
posted by Luke

Alan is definitely in the right seat.
posted by Luke

Apparently whoever took this shot didn't think highly of Tommie...
posted by Luke

Look at the name on the horse stall!!
posted by Luke

On the Anheuser-Busch campus
posted by Luke

Alan was showing how Beer could never truly satisfy. *grin*
posted by Luke


Mike said...

Looks like you had a pretty sweet trip! Isn't it painful getting back in the normal groove. I almost couldn't go back to work after spending a week in Mexico! It's part of life though so....

Wendi said...

Sounds like fun.

Anon said...

that's a group i haven't seen together in a long time.
looks like y'all had a great time.

you guys went to the science center?!

oh, & i hope you're recovering from being run over ;)

dixie said...

WHOA........Is it even legal to have so many good looking bachelors in one location....;)

i'm glad all you guys could take the time and do it...awesome memories.

rog and lavonne are coming in 3 hours to take me out.....i'm not sure if it is for my birthday, or because i had meltdown on sunday and they pity me.....either way i'm not complaining.


Luke said...

Mike: It is definitely painful getting back to normalcy.

Wendi: Fun it was

Dona: It's been awhile since the "groups" been together, only three of us went to the Science center on Monday afternoon. Everyone else had gone by then.

Dixie: Ok, enough with the compliments we're blushing. I'm really glad we could do it too. It definitely made some memories
Have fun with Rog and Von! They're wonderful.

taryn said...

I'm really glad you labeled your picture "Luke Knapp" because at first I didn't know if that was a picture of you or the 10 other Lukes I know who look exactly like you.

Ok, or I'm just kidding, I understand it was only an act of consistency. But whenever there's a chance for me to be difficult- I like to take it!

ema said...

Taryn, I was thinking the exact same thing!!!

Nice pics though. Looks like fun.

Kristi said...

I like pictures. I am glad your blog included pictures today. I also like how you labeled it. I thought the same thing as Taryn. It made me laugh. Looks like you had fun!!

Luke said...

It wasn't even just an act of consistency ladies, it was for the people who read this blog who may not have a good idea of what I look like. :)

Thanks for keeping me on my toes though...sheesh.