When you're struggling with a re-occurring temptation in your life, how do you strive to overcome it?
One method that is often used is to change the physical circumstances that seem to lead to the temptation.
For example: If I'm struggling with gossiping about someone, I'll just avoid talking about that person all together. Or maybe I'm struggling with really wanting something that's out of my price range, so I'll avoid driving by the store that sells it.
While I believe these sorts of tactics are beneficial, I believe they are one piece of a bigger picture. However, if you rely solely on these tactics, your chances of overcoming are slim.
James tells us that it is our lust that ultimately leads us to sin. Lust comes from within us. It's internal. It's not something that we can physically block, or avoid.
Jeremiah warns us of the wickedness of our hearts.
The reality is that we all carry flesh and blood. We all have a "sin-nature" that we're born with. Children don't have to be taught to do wrong. It comes naturally. That's why exterior changes and blockades will never completely fix our state. We must change from within. We must allow Christ to work His work in us. Paul writes about this struggle in Romans when he talks about the war between his mind and his flesh - how he doesn't do the things his mind wants to do and he ends us doing the things his mind doesn't want to.
Notice in verse 24 and 25, when Paul writes about his wretchedness and asks who shall deliver him, he answers by thanking God for Jesus Christ.
We can put up all the barriers in the world, but we still have to live in the flesh. As long as we carry this body, the Spirit will war against the flesh. Let's acknowledge this battle and purposefully turn it over to Christ and His power. Let us come humbly before Christ and admit our wretchedness - asking Him to transform our hearts.
Don't get me wrong. Physical barriers to sin most definitely have their place in our spiritual battle. We're commanded to "flee"...Job made a covenant with his eyes...etc... However, let's remember that these things are part of a much bigger picture - a picture of Grace and of Power - a picture of sanctification. You've missed the point if you think that by not driving by the store you've gained victory, when your heart still desperately covets that item.
Allow Christ to do heart surgery!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
Ooooohhh Psychological. I love it. Good message! I'm still pondering the hidden message. This blogging stuff is fun!
Blogging is a lot of fun. :) I love it.
There wasn't meant to be a hidden message. If there is, it was subconscious on my part. I try to write as straight forward as possible, but sometimes the thoughts in my head are hard to get into words. :)
If you look at the small picture a facelift is easier than a heart transplant...but in the long run the heart transplant has more benefits. As Christians we need to look at the long term and have the faith to get through the temporary pain.
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