Friday, August 4

I Stand Amazed in the Presence

God is so amazing. I had the awesome opportunity this morning to start my day out by meeting with my new mentor for breakfast and discussing Kingdom issues. We met at Cracker Barrel at 6:00am and we talked until 7:30. It felt like we could have just sat and talked until noon. :-)

I'm really excited about this new opportunity for growth and accountability in my life. We spent this first session just getting to know eachother's background a little bit and discussing where we saw this relationship going. We discussed God's sovereignty. We discussed being vulnerable before God. We discussed rising above the "grind of life" to focus on Christ 24/7. We discussed some of satan's tactics and how to resist those. We found out that we have some very similar struggles, and we're both excited that God brought us to this point of mentorship.

The joy Christ plants in our hearts, when we start our day out focused on Him, is truly an amazing blessing. There's just something special about verbalizing spiritual things with another brother in Christ.

Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God IN Christ Jesus.


Luke said...

I use an RSS feed to see when you update your site, and then I go read it. It requires very little effort, so don't flatter yourself my finely feathered friend.

Radical One said...

awwe, i love those early morning "talks" to get your day started in the right direction. and cracker barrel just puts the icing on the cake. my family cringes when the question of "ok, where do ya'll wanna go eat?" comes up... becos i ALWAYS say, "can't beat cracker barrel". so they are so tired of it right now.

anyway, i pray God blesses your new relationship in every way. it's great when God gives us new and exciting things in our lives, just when we need them.

in Him,

ajp said...

It is great to see how excited you are about meeting with your mentor. I had similar experiences, but over time you just start to slack and end up not visiting much. Keep the momentum going!