Monday, October 23

Cloudy and Cold

It's Monday. It's cold. It's cloudy.

Talk about a great day for a fireplace, some hot chocolate, and a good book. Or better yet, a fireplace, some hot chocolate, and a good friend.

Thanks to all the Kansas people who stuck around awhile after College Weekend. I praise God for our friendships. You totally made my weekend. Each one of you really bring your own special spirit to our group.

Bummer about the StL Cardinals. Better luck Tuesday. Yesterday's game was definitely a nail biter. I even sensed Jake getting a little worried when the bases were loaded in the ninth inning. *grin* Turns out he had nothing to worry about. The Tigers held onto their lead and got a well deserved win.

I love Baseball.


ajp said...


jw said...

I also like fireplaces, cocoa, books and friends, although I don't share your love of baseball. I'm starting to think I'm in the minority. However when it comes to thinking on baseball, I've always been a Cubs fan, maybe explaining why I don't enjoy the game that much. May the Tigers, playing the role of best team, win:)

JakeGman said...

Nervous! Never, I knew they would win, even if it means using Pine Tar on the Ball..whatever it takes!! I got a lot riding on this it would be great for Michigan!! :)

I love Baseball too! GO TIGERS!!