Tuesday, March 14

Ring 'dem Bells!!

Have you ever wondered what the "Bells of Heaven" would sound like? Have you ever wondered what it sounds like to hear the Angels rejoicing?

Well, today, if you listen really close, you just may be able to hear them! Jeff Weigand's brother, Craig, began his walk with Christ last night! He's from Goodfield. Praise God!


Radical One said...

surfed in from "strand of three" and just wanted to let you know i absolutley love your place here.

i'm always "preaching" (not really, just expressing) how life is truly a journey, so your name caught my eye first and then after reading your posts, i'll definitley be back.

and yes, praise God for craig...how awesome it is to see people begin their new walk and journey with Christ.


Luke said...

Radical: Thanks for your encouragement! We are truly pilgrims. This world is not our home (although our flesh desperately clings to it).

Tifani said...

That is awesome news!

jw said...

amen! great to see a fellow Wiegand added to the fold, more so another brother!