Wednesday, April 12

The Passion Week & Faith

The Passion Week:
Wednesday - No Record of This Day: Perhaps a quiet day at Bethany


Have you ever told someone that you lacked faith, or that having faith is hard for you? Has anyone ever confided in you that they lacked faith?

This passage struck a chord with me. How worthy is our heavenly father. Let us fall back into His arms in complete faith, looking to Jesus as our everything.

Every day Christians and non-Christians alike exercise faith without thinking twice. We eat in restaurants, believing the food has not been poisoned. We drop off deposits at the bank, without ever seeing where the money is stored. We go up in elevators, trusting it will not fall back down.

If we have such unquestioning faith in our fellow human beings, who sometimes do fail, how much more should we put all of our faith in God, our loving heavenly Father, whose character and capabilities are beyond question?

In Hebrews 11:6, God's Word tells us, "It is impossible to please God without faith" (NLT). He wants us to trust Him and His Word even more than we trust pilots, airplanes and restaurants. He wants us to take Him at His word.

Not to trust God is the same as treating Him as a liar. That is not a good idea. The Bible says, "God is not a man, that he should lie" (Numbers 23:19, NLT).

God is so totally trustworthy that we can trust Him with our lives in this world and the next.

"He always does just what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord" (1 Corinthians 1:9, NLT).

1 comment:

taryn said...

I liked that a lot. So true. If we can trust our fellow human friends who often fail, why can't we trust a God who NEVER does?

Ahhh! What's wrong with us. I think a lot of times it's more of an issue with giving up what we want to keep in case God does something we don't want Him to :) rather than not trusting Him completely. Although you can't really say, "Yeah God, I trust you" without that surrender of heart. So I guess my conclusion is that in order to fully live out the fact that you trust God, you have a surrendered heart and attitude.

Sorry for the tangent. Thanks for the post. T