May God bless each of you for your kindness and encouraging comments. Here's a brief update on my father.
He'll be in the Hospital at least until sometime Friday depending on his pain and his progress. He has three fractures in his pelvis; two on one side and one on the other. He has one fracture in his hip. His pinky is also fractured and badly cut. His elbow is broken. They did surgery last night on his elbow and put in a plate and some pins to help it heal correctly. They also needed a pin in his pinky and he needed a bunch of stiches. I think they got the pin in, but the doctor who was supposed to do the stitches didn't show up. :( Mom said he's on morphine, so the pain is minimal. They said with his pelvis and hip injuries he'll be confined to a wheelchair for awhile. That's going to be a big adjustment for all of us, so keep praying for that! Dad's already trying to figure out how he can work in his chair. :) That's my dad. And mom trying to figure out how to keep him from working while he heals. :) That's my mom.
Your prayers are REALLY REALLY appreciated. Keep 'em coming!
Tonight was my last night teaching VBS. I really enjoyed it. What a blessing. I'm going to Ben Knochels bachelor supper tomorrow night, so I won't be able to make the last night of VBS, but I'm looking forward to spending some time with the Knochels. :)
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
I wish that I could take some of the pain for your dad. Definitely praying for speedy, complete recovery and patience for him as he learns how to effectively chill out in a wheelchair :)
I'll keep praying! I hope he can recover soon, and in the meantime, hopefully your mom can keep him from working. That sounds like my dad would be, trying to figure out how to keep working. Have a great weekend!
hey bro-
As always i'm behind on all blogs..but know i've been praying for your dad since i heard about his accident. I have VBS this week!! any pointers :)
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