I'm not sure why I find it so funny when people get scared, but I do. If you want to save the movie to your HD right click here
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How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
If Life's a journey, then there must be a destination. Where are you headed?
Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
I don't know why, but that movie didn't want to load on my screen. And clicking *here* did nothing either. Hmmm. I guess I can't laugh with you today. (I'm totally with you on that whole laughing when people get scared thing. I'm so mean. lol)
Try it now. :) I messed with it...maybe I fixed it...maybe I screwed it up worse.
That was hilarious!
Um... yeah. I think you screwed it up worse. ;) I still can't get it to work. Boo!
I'm pretty sure it's Castposts fault.
I can only get it to work about half the time..and when I try and log onto Castpost it gives me the error page...dumb castpost.
ok...as of 9:40 it wasn't working...now at 9:43 it is...so just keep right clicking and "save as" if it asks you where you want to save the file, it's working...if it doesn't, it's not. Sorry...dumb castpost
That was HI-larious!!! Although *dumb Castpost* paused every 10 seconds to "buffer". Boo. But it was still HI-larious!!!
oh man. stinkin' hilarious. but it takes me back to horrible childhood memories. i'm so jumpy and get scared sooo easily. it became a rule in my house that you couldn't scare natalie. i used to not want to go upstairs for fear my sister holly would be around the door just waiting for me.
That's good stuff. I've always enjoyed scaring people and have gone to some planning and length to get it done. I know that's not right. Maybe I'm making everyone pay for my unhappy childhood! kub
Hey, welcome back Uncle Joe. I was beginning to think you were gone for good. :) All it took was good video to bring ya back eh? ;)
O my.... :)
And if you do that to Cody, count me in!
Pretty sweet Luke!
GOOOOD STUFF LUKE!! i liked the cat jumping outta the garbage can and the ice chest one, but the morgue was my favie!! and yes, i'm all up for scaring cody sometime, that was actually the very first thing i thought of when i watched this. i also got some good ideas so you better watch out... here i come.... BOOOOO!!!! :)
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