1Sa 15:22
And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
Why is obedience such a difficult thing for man?
When it comes to obedience to God's word, it seems some things are easier for some people than others. We, as people, tend to focus on the things that come easy for us. We seem to be very lenient on ourselves for the things that come harder for us personally, but we seem to be very critical of others who struggle with the things that come easier for us. Is this true in your life?
2Co 10:12
For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
Thanks for your post, Luke. I often find myself focusing on someone's weaknesses if it's an area I don't struggle with and thinking less of them. What you said is really convicting but encouraging.
You asked a question. "Why is obedience such a difficult thing for man?"
In my eyes, obedience in the first place TAKES a sacrifice... a sacrifice of your control.
"I'll obey, and serve you
I'll obey because I love you
I'll obey, my life is in your hands
For it's a way to prove my love
When feelings go away
If it costs me everything, I'll obey."
When little kids don't obey their parents, it's because they don't want to do what they're parents are telling them. They don't want their parents CONTROLLING them. They want to be their own boss.
We do the same thing with God when we don't obey Him. We need to get the focus off of SELF.
Luke, I liked your 3rd paragraph a lot. Very true. Again... it just proves how selfish we can be. It encourages me to stay humble.
Nice post! Short, but strong.
Word Brotha, you are right on.
I try not to be critical of others because all of my righteousness is like filthy rags. We all struggle, some of us more than others, I seem to struggle a lot lately and just this morning I was reading in Corinthians - No temptation has seized you except which is common to man... and I was like, That's Right! Even though I knew this verse by heart, it was great reading over it again this morning and I knew God was letting me know he is going to make a way out of no way.
Eddo: Thanks for sharing. I love that verse in Corinthians too! For a long time Satan used the "you're the only one" tactic against me. Recently I have discovered the wonderful blessings that come from a tactful sharing of my struggles with fellow Christians. Satan hates the light.
Well, I guess since you said please.
1 John 4:7-20 gives a wonderful perspective on fear and how to dispel it.
Luke, thank you for reminding me that I'm not alone in my struggles. Jesus calls us to come together in fellowship and in support of one another; and if we're being judgemental of each other, what good are we doing the kingdom? It's good to remember that in the eyes of the Lord, no one man is better than the other. We are all guilty of sin; and in knowing this, we should all be an encouragement to others, and constantly be striving for Godliness in our own lives.
Stephanie: Amen sister. While I believe accountability among Christians is very important it is always important to "take the beam from our own eye" before we go to a fellow Christian in love! Let the overriding theme be love in our lives. The greatest two commandments: Love God and Love others.
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