Well, I've always said the best way to deal with peer pressure is to succumb and then it's not really pressure at all any more! So, here I am typing my first blog
Lately I've been working on being gentle. I've recognized for awhile that when I present ideas and opinions that I feel strongly about, I often come across as harsh. I don't feel harsh inside. I just want people to understand my viewpoint and consider it's validity based on God's word. I really do have good intentions most of the time. My spirit is willing to present the truth with all gentleness, but my flesh is so weak. I will often start out gentle, and then as the discussion progresses my impatience will also progress until I find myself at a point I didn't want to be.
So to all those people who have been negatively affected by this flaw of mine, I'm sorry. I pray you can evaluate the thoughts I present base on their own merit and not on my often poor presentation.
If any of you have dealt or are dealing with a similar issue, I would love to hear how you overcame it. Also, any encouraging/chastising scripture would be welcome!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
20 hours ago
welcome to the bandwagon.
thought: luke being gental is like [insert clever remark here]
I think I've fixed it, so it'll let anonymous people comment
hmmmmm.....Luke, great post....sometimes it is hard to stay gentle and get your point across at the same time but remember that.... we as servants of the Lord must not srtive; but be gentle to all men, apt to teach, patient,...this is found in II Timothy 2:24
....don't be too hard on yourself....because He is still working on all of us but let the Spirit convict and prick as it will.
Of course your frustration may be caused by the fact the person really doesn't want to listen to your message since your truth may not be there truth
I believe in absolute truth, and that is the Holy inspired Word of God. I strive to base all my idealogy on that rock.
Sis Sandy here again. I know and feel your intentions are pure. Personality has a lot to do with it. Your weakness in coming across strongly, can also be your strength. Recognize it and use it for God's glory. "...for when I am weak, then am I strong."
I Cor 12:10. Love Ya!
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